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API Create Password with $ in it


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Can you fix so the whenever you use the API to create a password and the password has a $ sign in it truncates the rest of the password set in passwordstate. I proably can fix this with modifications in my script. But just wanted to have this so I wouldn't have to.


Example of a powershell script, works fine if there are no $ signs in the password. Probably the same happens with other parameters.


param($username, $password, $description)

$jsonString = @"


Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://passwordstate.company.com/api/passwords/ -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $jsonString

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Hi Njordur,


Unfortunately we don't think we can change the API to accomodate for this, but we do have a fix for you to update your scripts.  I've given an exact example below which works, and an explanation below that of what you need to change:


# Begin Script


$jsonString = '
"Title":"company\\' + $username + '",
"Description":"' + $description + '",
"UserName":"' + $username + '",
"password":"' + $password + '",
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://alien.halox.net/api/passwords/ -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $jsonString


# End Script



Things I changed:

1.  The opening brackets of the JSON string   $jsonString = @"    to     $jsonString = '

2.  the variables inside the jsons string are now enclosed with a single quote and + symbol.  So we went from "UserName":"$username" to "UserName":"' + $username + '"

3. the closing brackets of the JSON went from }"@ to }'


I hope this is not too much trouble to change your scripts, and we hope this helps!




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Hi All


I'm not sure if this helps (I had no time to test it).

I usually create the JSON as following: Create a Powershell Object, then convert it to JSON.

If you do it like this, then you dont have to struggle with the string-creation.


$Body = @{
            PasswordList = $Name
            Description = $Description
            ApplyPermissionsForUserID = $global:UserToPermit
            CopySettingsFromTemplateID = $global:PasswordstateTemplateID
            LinkToTemplate = "False"
            Permission = "A"
            PrivatePasswordList = "false"
            NestUnderFolderID = $ParentFolderID
            APIKey = $global:PasswordStateSystemWideAPIKey
        $jsonBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

(just an example, it doesn't fit to your requirement)


Best regards,



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