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More verbose access log


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we have faced with some troubles trying to understand what exact changes were made in the password list properties. Would it be possible to get a bit verbose output of what has changed in the properties of password list? As an example:

  • if users updates IP whitelisting it would be great that this would be indicated
  • If the user has renamed the list the line could include something like "password list X renamed to Y".
  • If user enabled/disabled some of the options in the password list properties that would be good to know as well.


All of this info can be retrieved from the user, but it takes time to question the user and sometimes they don't even remember what changes they have done :)

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All of this info can be retrieved from the user, but it takes time to question the user and sometimes they don't even remember what changes they have done :)


And sometimes the user will try to actively hide what they've done. So yeah, especially in high security environments, a detailed audit track would be recommended.

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Hi Guys,


At this stage it is not possible. We would need to figure out some logical manner of reporting on changes, as there are quite a few options and fields which can be changed.


"And sometimes the user will try to actively hide what they've done" - sound like someone might have some staffing issues :)


Click Studios

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What Buckit is saying is very true as well in some cases. This kind of logging would make life a bit easier for security admins to do an investigation. In some cases, the users complain that something is wrong after quite some time and it's really difficult to trace back and figure it out what has been changed. The only option is to restore the backup to test instance and do the comparison :)

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