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Check for duplicates


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I would like to propose a feature request for the browser plugin. I wouldn't call it an issue, but for some people, it's a bit confusing and creates a little bit of mess.  I will try to describe the scenario that I am proposing:

  1. I have a password list prepared for saving credentials to the websites
  2. There is already a record created for "example.com" with username "test01"
  3. I log in to example.com and change my current password to new one
  4. Log out of website
  5. I try to login with user "test01" and new password
  6. PasswordState browser plugin pops up, I click save password
  7. On the screen, I select the password list where it has a record for "example.com"
  8. Now, instead of creating a new record would it be possible to update existing record?


So, would it be possible to consider point #8 as a feature request?

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Is there any external web site where we can test this behaviour on - changing the password on the web site should not give a prompt to save the record again, unless the URL is different somehow. You will need to go into Passwordstate and update the password manually though.


Click Studios

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no need for testing. Any website will do for that.


You will need to go into Passwordstate and update the password manually though.

My idea behind was exactly that PasswordState takes care of that. PasswordState already knows the website, my username, and password. So If I click to save it, it could notify that there is a duplicate or similar record and asks user if he wants to update the record.

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Hi Azkabahn,


Sure, we understand. In our experience, developing browser extensions for all the major browsers for this sort of thing is a lot of work, and very difficult to achieve - there simply is enough standards to code against.

Hopefully one day we will be able to provide a feature like this.


Click Studios

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