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Feature request: host list+folders management


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Hi again!


in the Administration tab, you'll find menu options like Password Lists and Password Folders. These are awesome, because it sometimes happens that somebody does lots of work, then leaves after locking all other users out of these objects. These options in the admin-section allow you to manually fix broken access permissions.


Now... If only the Hosts and Hosts Folders had the same feature! We're currently in a bind because colleague X set up the auto-discovery jobs and target folders, but set them exclusively to their account. And now they're on a holiday! Yikes! I really don't want to hack these lists through MSSQL, so could you guys add a management feature to the admin-panel that allows us to fix permissions on Hosts Folders?






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11 hours ago, Buckit said:

We're currently in a bind because colleague X set up the auto-discovery jobs and target folders, but set them exclusively to their account. And now they're on a holiday! Yikes! I really don't want to hack these lists through MSSQL, so could you guys add a management feature to the admin-panel that allows us to fix permissions on Hosts Folders?

For now, impersonate their account to resolve the problem, then slap them with a tuna when they are off holidays. :)



Nice idea though!

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Huh, well I'll be. I didn't know that feature exists.


Thing is, the user in question is not a security admin permanently, as we've linked our access rights to an IAM solution where access privs are activated on-demand for specific cases. So even if I were to impersonate the user, I'd not have access to the hosts because their rights were dropped when they went on holiday. :) And given the nature of our environment I really do not want to set a precedent by resetting the user's password and actually using their account. That certainly would not fly here.


So: a big floppy trout it is! Next time I'll see'm *slap!*.

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