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Microsoft Tool to Check LDAPS connectivity


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If you have your Passwordstate web server installed on a non-domain machine, or if you are using our Password Reset Portal module, it is possible the LDAPS connections are getting blocked.  To help troubleshoot the connection status, Microsoft provide a tool.  To use this tool, please download first from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=15326


On your web server,  install this tool you downloaded from the above link and the run the ldp.exe file as per below screenshot - Change the port to be 636, enter your primary domain controller and tick the SSL option:




If you get a successful connection, it will show a message similar to my screenshot below.  Otherwise it may give you some information as to why the error is occuring:




Another test you can do is a Powershell port test from your web server to your domain controller (substitute in your domain controller name)


test-netconnection domaincontroller.halox.net -port 636


Or directory to your domain:


test-netconnection halox.net -port 636


Last but not least, you may have to use our process to install your domain certificate on your Passwordstate web server.  We have a process for this in the Password Reset Portal Installation Guide which can be found in Section 6 of this document:  WIP


We hope this helps









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