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Troubleshooting Browser Based Remote Session Launcher


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**Edit 27th September 2019**

We've updated this forum post with some more suggestions, including how to turn on verbose logging and a link to some known error codes.


**Edit 6th January 2020**

The Gateway installation process is now much simpler than what the video at the bottom of this thread shows.  Please see the Install documentation which describes how to use this new and improved install method:  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Passwordstate_Remote_Session_Launcher_Gateway_Install_Guide.pdf



The Browser Based Remote Session Launcher that was introduced in Build 8275 requires some installation and configuration to be applied to your Passwordstate web server, but if you find you cannot launch session for any reason, please run through these troubleshooting steps below to resolve the problem:


Issue 1:

Do you see the Passwordstate-Gateway Service running on your web server?  If not then please follow the documentation under https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Passwordstate_Remote_Session_Launcher_Gateway_Install_Guide.pdf to set up this feature as a once off process


Issue 2:

The Passwordstate-Gateway service is running but connections won't launch, you should be presented with a page of troubleshooting steps.  Try clicking the "Test SSL Certificate" link on this page and see what results that gives you.  If you get results saying your certificate is not secure, take the necessary steps to ensure your browser trusts your Passwordstate certificate.  This could be installing the certificate into the Trusted Certificate Authorities on your desktop though Internet Explorer, or adding an exception in Firefox as an example.



Issue 3:

If you receive a Web Proxy Gateway error like the screenshot above in Issue 2, this might be caused by a firewall on your web server blocking the connection.  To fix this, log into your Passwordstate web server (assuming this is where you installed the gateway) and run the following command in elevated Command Prompt to create a firewall rule:


netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name="Passwordstate-Gateway" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=7273


Also consider that it may not be your Web Server firewall causing this issue, but it could be another firewall.  For example, if your DNS is hosted externally to your network, then port 7273 must be open on your company firewall and forwarding all traffic on to where you have your gateway installed.


To test that ports are open, run this Powershell test from your desktop where you access Passwordstate from, to the Passwordstate web server, assuming this is where you installed the gateway.  You'll need to change the name of the web server in this test:


Test-NetConnection webserver01.contoso.com -Port 7273



Issue 4:

If you receive a Web Proxy error like the screenshot above in Issue #2, this may be caused by incorrect syntax in your gateway.conf file.  Please ensure the syntax of this section of the gateway.conf file is in the same format as the below screenshot



Issue 5:

Can you successfully start the Passwordstate-Gateway service on your web server?  If not, please try these suggestions:


Possible Fix Suggestion 1:

Check the name of the C:\inetpub\Passwordstate\hosts\gateway\Passwordstate.pfx file is correct. This file must be called 'Passwordstate.pfx' for the service to work correctly


Possible Fix Suggestion 2:

Is OpenJDK installed on your web server?  If not please run the Gateway installer again, as this automatically downloads and installs Java for you: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Passwordstate_Remote_Session_Launcher_Gateway_Install_Guide.pdf


Possible Fix Suggestion 3:

Did you configure the SSL Certificate for the gateway, and put the encrypted password for this certificate in the gateway.conf file?  If not please refer to https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/2971-how-to-encrypt-the-certificate-password-for-use-with-the-browser-based-gateway/2.png



Possible Fix Suggestion 4:

Is the default port of 7273 is in use by something else?  To test this, run a command prompt on your web server, and run the following command:


netstat -ano | findstr :7273


You should get a blank result back from this command if the port is free.  If something else is using the port, try changing the listening port in the C:\inetpub\Passwordstate\hosts\gateway\gateway.conf file to something else under 10000, save and restart the service


Possible Fix Suggestion 5:

Check the password that you set when exporting the certificate is the same password that you have encrypted and applied to your C:\inetpub\Passwordstate\hosts\gateway\gateway.conf file.  One way to test this is to export the certificate again from IIS, and set a new password.  Update the password in the Gateway.conf file and see if the service starts then


Possible Fix Suggestion 6:

In the Gateway.conf file, update SSL to false, and save the file.  Try restarting the service again now, and if it starts, this confirms that the certificate is the issue. And you should try running through the export process again by following this forum post: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/2971-how-to-encrypt-the-certificate-password-for-use-with-the-browser-based-gateway/






The SSL value in the gateway.conf file needs to be set to true in order to establish successful connections.  This test of changing it to false is purely to establish if there is something wrong with the certificate.  You should set this back to true after you have finished troubleshooting your issue.



Possible Fix Suggestion 7:

Possibly the recording path that is set in the Gateway.conf file does not exist or is incorrect.  Try changing the recording path back to the default location which is shown in the screenshot below, and then try starting the service again




Issue 6:
RDP into Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2 is not working, but Server 2012 and above is working okay.

If you run into this issue, it's because your server's are not patched with the TLS1.2 and TLS1.2 updates from Microsoft. Please download and installed the appropriate patch below:


Server 2008 - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4074621/add-rds-support-for-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-in-windows-server-2008-sp2
Server 2008 R2 - https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/3080079/update-to-add-rds-support-for-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-in-windows-7-or-wind


Issue 7:

You can establish some connection to some machines with the Browser Based Launcher, but others seem to hang and do not make a connection.  Try one of these suggestions to help troubleshoot this kind of scenario:


Possible Fix Suggestion 1:

Try doing an open port test when logged in to your Passwordstate web server, to the remote host? Does this return True or False?  This Powershell example would be is me connecting to my remote Windows host: Test-NetConnection devpc1 -Port 3389. If you are having issues with SSH connections, the default port you should be testing for is 22.


Possible Fix Suggestion 2:

Possible you will get an error code in returned to you in the Error Console which will help diagnose the issue.  See this forum post for a list of Error Codes: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/2853-error-codes-for-the-browser-based-remote-session-launcher/


Possible Fix Suggestion 3:

You could temporarily enable verbose logging for your connections, and then refer to the logs to see if this can help diagnose the issue.  See this forum post on how to enable verbose logging of connections: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/2852-enabling-verbose-logging-for-the-browser-based-remote-session-launcher/







Installation Video of installing the Gateway can be found below, which outlines all steps to set this up on your web server:



We hope this helps and please log a support call with support@clickstudios.com.au if you are still having difficulty getting the Browser Based Remote Session Launcher to work correctly.





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  • 1 year later...



I have walked through each of the troubleshooting steps.

Nothing mentioned above has resolved the issue.

Certificate is loaded, service is running, port is listening, etc.


When attempting to launch a session from multiple different browsers and are displayed with "Please wait while connecting..." indefinitely.


What is the next step to troubleshoot?


Thank you!



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Sorry you're having some issues, and can you confirm a few more things for us:

  • What Build of Passwordstate are you using
  • What Browser Type are you using
  • Is your Passwordstate-Gateway Windows Service started
  • What sort of certificate did you export to use with the Gateway - is it a trusted certificate, or is it a self-Signed certificate
  • With the URL you're using for Passwordstate, is the DNS entry for this from internal DNS, or external? If external, you may need to open access on your firewall to get to the Gateway's default port which is 7273
  • If you go to the screen Administration -> Remote Session Management and click on the 'Browser Based Gateway Settings' button, if there is a URL specified in the 'Gateway URL' field, please clear this, Save the change, and then test again
  • From your Passwordstate web server, do you have network connectivity to the Host? You can run the following PowerShell command to determine this (change host name and port as appropriate) - test-netconnection hostname.domain.com -port 3389
  • Do you have any firewalls enabled on your Passwordstate web server? If so, you may need to allow access on Port 7273



Click Studios

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Thank you for your response. Answers to your questions follow:


  • What Build of Passwordstate are you using
    • 8679
  • What Browser Type are you using
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Brave
    • Internet Explorer
  • Is your Passwordstate-Gateway Windows Service started
    • Yes
  • What sort of certificate did you export to use with the Gateway - is it a trusted certificate, or is it a self-Signed certificate
    • Publicly trusted certificate from GoDaddy
  • With the URL you're using for Passwordstate, is the DNS entry for this from internal DNS, or external? If external, you may need to open access on your firewall to get to the Gateway's default port which is 7273
    • Internal address is resolvable. Same as primary Passwordstate URL.
  • If you go to the screen Administration -> Remote Session Management and click on the 'Browser Based Gateway Settings' button, if there is a URL specified in the 'Gateway URL' field, please clear this, Save the change, and then test again
    • This is cleared.
  • From your Passwordstate web server, do you have network connectivity to the Host? You can run the following PowerShell command to determine this (change host name and port as appropriate) - test-netconnection hostname.domain.com -port 3389
    • Test succeeded. Also tested port 7273 with success.
  • Do you have any firewalls enabled on your Passwordstate web server? If so, you may need to allow access on Port 7273
    • For the time being, firewall is not on.

Thank you.

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HI ParrishK, 


Sorry we didn't respond back to this yesterday:( 


Could you please send us your log file from C:\inetpub\Passwordstate\hosts\gateway to our support email address (support@clickstudios.com.au)?  It might be worth zipping up the logs folder in that same directory and send it through to us.  Hopefully there is some sort of error in here which will lead us to a condition that is causing this to hang.




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On 3/20/2018 at 10:24 AM, support said:

Try clicking the "Test SSL Certificate"


While our Browser Based Gateway is working, when our users do are yet to trust the SSL Cert and use the "Test SSL Certificate" link, they receive a page with nothing other than "Not Found" rather than the expected ssltest.html page.

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10 hours ago, support said:

HI ParrishK, 


Sorry we didn't respond back to this yesterday:( 


Could you please send us your log file from C:\inetpub\Passwordstate\hosts\gateway to our support email address (support@clickstudios.com.au)?  It might be worth zipping up the logs folder in that same directory and send it through to us.  Hopefully there is some sort of error in here which will lead us to a condition that is causing this to hang.





Just sent over the logs.


Thank you.

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