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Privileged Account Management

Guest Kevin

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Guest Kevin

Hello, I am wondering how Passwordstate can be used as an Privileged Account Management solution, as which it is advertised.

What features would be used in what way, for example can you request access to the password of a privileged account and use that for a certain time until it expires.

What would be some best practices to keep in mind when using password state?


Kind regards,

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To write about every feature in that makes it a PAM solution would be akin to writing a thousand page essay.

I think the better option would be if you could tell us what you are after in a PAM and what you're after Passwordstate to do?

There's a good chance it does it.


4 hours ago, Guest Kevin said:

can you request access to the password of a privileged account and use that for a certain time until it expires


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Hi Kevin,


The checkout feature is in the standard product, as well as the two Remote Session Launchers we have.


The Password Reset Portal is a self service portal for users to reset the Active Directory password if they forget it - saving you on Help Desk calls.


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14 minutes ago, support said:

The checkout feature is in the standard product, as well as the two Remote Session Launchers we have.


Ditto for the "handshake" feature, where you will need approval from another person to access a password.


To sum it all up, I suggest you simply start reading here and work your way out from there.


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  • 1 year later...


If you have a look at the main Passwords menu, you will see 'Request Access to Passwords'. This is what customers now use for approval to passwords, and as per the screenshot below. you can specify a Password List needs more than one approver if required. The advantage of this is that both approvers do not need to be online at the same time to approve/deny.




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OK, it wasn't clear to me if that option then enabled approval for the whole list, or if there was another setting that needed to be enabled first and that just controlled the number of approvers. And to confirm, that setting is for all passwords in the list, you can't set it per-password?

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Hello jandrewartha,

Just like the previous feature for Handshake approval, this is a per Password List setting - so it applies to all records in the list. We thought we would keep it consistent with how the Handshake approval option worked. Any of those settings you see in my screenshot above, is for all records in the Password List.


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