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Linked Password Entries with password reset options


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We currently link passwords across multiple lists to allow for different security groups accessing different lists. With that said, enabling automatic password resets is something we want to get configured for many of our passwords; many of these being shared/linked into multiple lists. Currently, once you copy/link an entry to another password list, the options for "enabled for Resets" is grayed out.


Is there a process that I'm missing that will allow this feature on linked entries?

Is it on the radar somewhere for the future?


V8.1 Build 8114

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Sorry, but it's not possible to link accounts which are enabled for resets. It's something we want to work on, and make sure there are no issues with performing those resets, or confusion over accounts, but at this point it's not possible sorry.


Click Studios

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Mordecai,


Sorry, but after investigating what's required for this feature, it's unlikely we will be working on a feature for this - due to associated dependencies, and trying to keep everything in sync.


Also, from the Actions menu of a Password record, you can grant users/teams access to individual records as well - possibly this is a work around for you.


Click Studios

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