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Add password generator to Self Destruct editor


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When composing a self destruct message I frequently need to generate multiple passwords in a single message - but currently you cant access the password generator tool once the new self-destruct message editor window is open.

It would be great to have the 'calculator' button on the WYSIWYG editor toolbar to paste in a new password inline with where you cursor is.

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Can you clarify your request bn8959?
The purpose of the self destruct message is to share a created password to people who don't have access to the list or Passwordstate. Why would generating passwords in the share message (where they won't be saved for future use) be needed?

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Sure. Understand your point.


My particular use-case is when I have a list of user accounts to setup with temporary initial passwords. I need to work through a list generating random passwords (to be pasted directly in to Active directoy for example) and note them all in a self destruct message to sent to the person who requested the accounts. The passwords don’t need to be logged in passwordstate, but I just needed quick access to the generator while the Compose Self-Destruct message was open. Since you can’t get to the generator in the top menu bar when a dialogue is open and you can’t open multiple tabs.

Hope that makes sense. An alternative would be to not grey-out the top banner which contains the password generator tool when a dialog is open.



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Hi bn8959,


Would it help to have another tab open to Passwordstate so you can generate these random passwords? We have this feature locked down by default (Allowing multiple tabs), but you can go to the screen Administration -> Feature Access -> Restricted Features, and request it from us.


Click Studios

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Yes that would at least solve the issue (otherwise I have to just resort to alternative password generators). Its not a slick though, and putting in the small password generator calculator icon in the text editor tool bar (to basically just generate and paste in a password inline with your cursor) would fit neatly :)



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