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Delete Folder Button


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Hi Sarge,


Thanks for your request, and this was sort of by design so user's didn't accidentally delete a folder and mess up the tree structure - and yes, this use to happen :)


Thanks for the request though, and we'll re-instate it if customers need it.


Click Studios

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Hi Sarge

I came up with a similar feature request some weeks ago.

For me it would make sense to have this option direct in the context menu of the tree. No mather if it's a passwordlist or a folder. This would give our users a better usability, because they could find the same option everytime at the same place.

About the concerns of having the delete button in front and not "hidden": Of course, a confirm dialog would be needed!

Best regards,


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Thanks Fabian :)


Regarding the "confirm" dialog, on a regular occurrence we're asked how do we restore a deleted Password List - basically you need to restore your database. And, when deleting a Password List, you are asked twice to confirm :)


Click Studios

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That sounds very bad, if someone accidentaly deletes passwordlists even though he has been asked twice. :(

But I can imagine, that this can happen easily, when people are to lazy to read the dialogs...

In other tools I've seen a dialog coming up where you manually need to type the word "delete" to remove something very important, probably this could be an easy way to prevent accindental removal of passwordlists.


Anyway I'd like to link from this feature request to the feature request of a recycle bin for password lists for other user to upvote both :)

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