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How to provide a link to High Availability Server when the Master PasswordState server is unavailable


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I'm in the process of upgrading to 8.4 (from 7.6), and would like to take this opportunity to enhance the standard error-pages to include a link to our HA server when our main-server is inoperable (especially for 'Database Connectivity Error').   We currently have an Active-Passive setup for HA.


I opened the /passwordstate/error/dbconnectivity.aspx file - thinking this is a likely place to add the reference, but it contains "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!".


Is it possible to modify the standard error pages?  If so, what are the steps to do so?   


If not, is there another way that the link to the HA server can be provided via PasswordState?


Thanks...  Scott

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Hi Scott,


Thanks for your enquiry, but unfortunately what you're asking is not possible. For us to present the HA URL on the screen, we would need to extract it from the database - we store all data in the database.

From what we understand from other customers, their disaster recovery plan documentation is sufficient to know what the URL of their HA server is - hopefully you can do the same for this.


Click Studios

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I appreciated the 'quick' reply but your answer does not make sense to me, at least not in the situation I provided.  The DATABASE is 'down' so there is no way the information being presented comes from the database.   Here is a snapshot of the screen that I am referring to:




On this error page it has an embedded link 'Passwordstate Web Site' (which has a URL reference)  - as the database is 'down' I'm assuming this must be coming from a property-file or somewhere else on the file-system.  Can you verify where this is sourced? 


p.s.  I'm not necessarily looking for a solution that is dynamic, I'm OK with making manual modifications.


Thanks... Scott


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2 hours ago, SGauvin said:

The DATABASE is 'down' so there is no way the information being presented comes from the database

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but this was what I was trying to say.

The only place we store data, is in the database - we have no where else to store the URL of your HA Web site.

Also, you cannot modify these pages manually - they are precompiled ASP.NET pages, and this is the reason we store all data in the database.


This is also just one example of a disaster, and there are many others where you could not even get to the web site - which is why we generally recommend just relying on your Disaster Recovery Plan documentation.

I hope that makes sense.


Click Studios

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@SGauvin i think it's easier to put a proper health checks on your backend and then visualize in Grafana or any other similar systems. Next step would be to add alerting based on triggers. 

Also - put a dynamic DNS load balancer in front so you could easily switch between primary instance and HA. We have built all of it and we do PasswordState upgrades with 0 downtime.

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