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Browser extension issues since recent update


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Hi all, just wondering if anyone else has been having issues with the FF/Chrome browser extensions since the last update on Feb 25. I've been noticing a lot of web pages that used to auto-fill for me that no longer do.


One public example: https://vrms.clone-systems.com/login


There doesn't seem to be anything crazy about the username/password field IDs here (auth_username and auth_password), but I tried manually adding them to the entry in PasswordState and re-launching my browser (both Chrome and FF) and still no luck.


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Hi Greg,


I've just test both of these sites, and they work without any issues for me. With the latest build, we've made improvements to the accuracy of form filling, but if the URL you have stored is inaccurate, or the field names on the 'Browser Form Fields' tab is innacurate, this could explain it. Sometime restarting your browser does not help if manually making changes to the record, as Chrome by default sits in the System tray, instead of restarting. So we recommend logging out of the Browser Extension, and then logging back in with it.


Can you try this to see if it helps?


Click Studios

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Hey guys,


Logging out of the browser extension and logging back in didn't help. I've even tried completely removing the password entry from PS, logging out of the browser extensions and back in,  and then logging in to the site manually... in both cases the usual pop-up bar asking me if I want to add the password didn't even show up.


I do see that we're a few builds behind though... we're running 8573 and I see that 8627 is available. I'll try updating the core PS installation and see if that helps.


Will report back sometime this week!



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Hi all,


Still no luck with the browser plugins for a lot of these sites. I haven't had a ton of time to troubleshoot over the last few days but I'll see if I can work on it some today.


Question - how close does the URL field have to be to match the URL in the browser address bar? For my Veeam example, I'm using https://login.veeam.com/ in my PasswordState entry, but of course the address bar has a bunch of gunk tacked on to the end of it:






Should I try a closer match? Or is there such a thing as a wildcard for a PasswordState entry? Something along the lines of https://login.veeam.com/* ?







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Hi Greg,


Below are our screenshots for this record. We've tested this using Chrome and Firefox, and it seems to form fill correctly for us - is you record configured the same?


Maybe you should disable LastPass when testing our browser extensions as well, to rule out any conflicts - possibly you've already done this though.






Click Studios

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Hi all,


In the last days I also struggeled with some websites about the auto filling. For me it helped to remove the credential from Passwordstate, re-login to the extension and then login again to the website to let the browser extension catch the credentials and add it to Passwordstate. 

I had some websites where they changed the id or name tag in the html.

If this was the case I also could  update the browser field tag according to this video:


I'm right, that the browser extension (now) does work with eighter the id or name tag? From the text in the "browser form fields" tab, this is not really clear to me as it says "names" in the text and "ID" on the fields.


All the best,



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Hi Fabian,


Finally got to this forum post:)


In a recent build we've updated the labels in our software to ID's instead of Names..



And these are the mechanics of how our new browser extensions work:


1. It will first look for the id=xxxx tag on the webpage, if that doesn't exist, it will look for the name=xxxx tag for both Username Field and Password field

2. If you have some values in Passwordstate saved for these fields, and it finds an exact match in id=xxxx or name=xxxx fields on the web page, it will auto fill.

3. If you have nothing saved in passwordsatte, and the fields are blank, it will attempt to find the fields based on a bunch of known standards, and populate those fields.


I hope this helps!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally had a chance to do some more troubleshooting, but I'm still having trouble with the plugin not auto-filling sites that used to auto-fill prior to Feb 25. I've disabled all my FF/Chrome plugins besides PasswordState and tested again in both browsers. Lots of sites DO still auto-fill, but lots of others no longer do.


I recorded a little demo using https://infosight.hpe.com and uploaded the video at https://gsmid-f12.tinytake.com/sf/MzM5MTMzNl8xMDE0MTQ0MQ, but my plugin problems aren't specific to this site... I listed some other examples up above that still aren't working either.


Any other thoughts or suggestions are appreciated, I really like my auto-fill!



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Hello Greg,

I've had a look at the site https://infosight.hpe.com, and unfortunately the field ID's are dynamic every time you visit the site. I tried leaving the fields blank in Passwordstate, and it would form fill the password, but not the Username. We haven't been able to figure out a way yet to get the browser extensions to work with dynamic field names like this, but we will continue to work on it.

Can you post the URLs of other sites you're having issues with here, and we will do some testing with them?


Click Studios

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Ah ok, that makes sense about the dynamic field IDs. I do know that the plugin used to be able to fill those boxes but maybe HPE has changed the code on their site since then.


We can still use my original example though - https://vrms.clone-systems.com/login. I know you guys test it out and it worked for you, but I went through my same procedure again:


  1. Deleted site entry from PasswordState.
  2. Logged out of plugin (FF and Chrome).
  3. Logged out of PasswordState.
  4. Logged back in to PasswordState, made sure the plugin icon went from red to white.
  5. Logged in to https://vrms.clone-systems.com (FF).
  6. The plugin picked up the login as expected. Used the detected login to add the site back to PasswordState.
  7. Logged out of https://vrms.clone-systems.com.
  8. Closed and re-opened FF.
  9. Navigated to https://vrms.clone-systems.com. Site does not auto-fill.

Any other ideas guys? Is there any extra logging I can turn on to help figure this out?



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Hi Greg,


Sorry, but we do not have logging for detection issue like this unfortunately.


When the password record is configured like below, it form fills fine for us with Chrome and Firefox. Can you double check your record again, and if you have more than one record for this site, double check that also?



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Just double-checked my password entry - there are no duplicates for this site, and my username/password form IDs are the same as yours.

One interesting thing I just noticed - when I go to the site and click the plugin icon, it has an entry that says 'Show site in Passwordstate'. If I click that, it takes me to a completely unrelated entry! Not sure if that's related to this issue or not, but it seemed weird to me!


Only one entry:




Entry details:





Login boxes not filled. There is an option to 'show site in PS':



Clicking that plugin function brings me to this password entry:


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Hi Greg,


Yes, I think this might be the cause of all your issues - see that URL field with just a dash in it. This is obviously not a valid URL, and you will need to fix this. Please logout of the the extension, and then back in after doing this.


Click Studios

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Well would you look at that! I got rid of that bogus dash and changed it to a valid (although fake) url... and now my auto-fill is working again! Nice catch. :)


If an invalid entry in the URL field of some random password entry in another list can throw such a wrench into things, is there any way to do validation on that field to ensure people don't enter invalid entries?



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Hi Greg,


This is the first time we've seen an issue like this, where the URL field is configured in such a way. If we see more instances of user's making this sort of error, then we can definitely look into it. You can also leave the URL field blank if you do not make it mandatory, or deselect the URL field altogether on the Password List.


Click Studios

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