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Browser Extension default password list


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Is there any way to set a default password list per user? It looks like the extension presents them in alphabetical order, which puts my personal list near the bottom of a long list. I would rather make a mistake and put it there than put personal information a public list.

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Hi tbloggs,


Very good question and one we didn't even consider!  We can confirm this beta version of our extension will work with the beta version of Edge, and you load it in in an almost exact way that Chrome does.  If you go to Extensions in Edge, then turn on Developer Mode and then click Load Unpacked.  Finally browse to your extracted extension folder and it should load successfully.




Hope this helps!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Overall, it has been working great. The only annoying thing I have hit is resetting passwords on accounts. I can't enter the new password twice without Passwordstate auto-filling the new password field on some sites. Any chance you could add a once click button to disable auto-fill on a specific page?

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Hi tboggs13,


We will be considering feature requests once the extension is out of Beta, but does the key combination of Alt + T help here - this will toggle the auto-fill option off and on when needed. Or you can also do this in the Preferences menu in the extension as well.

Click Studios

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  • 3 weeks later...

Should the extension handle updates to passwords? I had to change my password on a site and when I logged back in, it didn't detect the new password and prompt for an update. In order to reset the password, I used the password generator in the extension to copy and paste into the new password field, then went back to the login screen. Once there I replaced the autofill password with the one from the clipboard. No prompts to update when logging in. Tried twice just to make sure I didn't miss the pop-up. What concerns me is losing the password before it gets updated in PasswordState. I have had the same problem with LastPass, so I don't know if there is an elegant solution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am still using beta 1 on Edge Chromium. Has the extension been released for Edge yet? If not, can I get early access?


With beta 1 I am having an issue with one website that it won't fill the username on. https://bd.pcm.com


<input class="txtBox" type="text" name="userLoginId" id="userLoginId" maxlength="50" value="">


It fills the password, but not the username even though I have updated browser form field with userLoginId. Any other hints?

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Hi tboggs,

We had another customer report to us that the new Chrome extension is now available in the Chromium Edge - Microsoft must be synchronizing these updates from Google stores. We have not tried this ourselves though, or confirmed what the other customer is saying.


Click Studios

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I can confirm. I downloaded Passwordstate from the MS Extension store. Now, I just have to update the server.


So going forward, will we have to update the server every time the extension is updated? That would mean everyone's extension would break until we had a chance to upgrade the server.

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