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Site path for Browser Extension


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Hi tboggs13.


We're sorry, but we're not clear on the question you are asking.


Do you mean the path to the Passwordstate web site for it to function, or are you referring to external web sites? Are you having an issue that we could possibly help with?


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Sorry, I mean the path on the Passwordstate web site for the extension to function. The mobile page only requires access to https://<sitename>/Mobile. Is there an equivalent for the extension after it has been provisioned in the browser. I know that requires access to the full site. I am trying to grant limited access to some of our "external" WiFi networks.

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Thanks for clarifying. For the extension to be configured for use, you need to login to Passwordstate. Once logged in, the extensions communicate to the API in Passwordstate, which is the URL of /API after your normal URL.


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