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Database backup


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I have configured Passwordstate to backup to a folder on a separate file server, the backup seems to run fine, but there is only the zip file, no bak files.  The option to exclude database backup is not selected.  A setting I missed?

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Hi OB999,


That's interesting, do you get any kind of errors when clicking the Test Permissions button on the Backups and Settings page?


You may need to grant the account you have set for your backups access to your SQL Server Services, as per this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iCvCYLwSL4



Does this help at all?




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Test Permissions does not report any errors, and the web files are backed up with the appropriate date and time.  I have watched the video; the account has already been granted permission to access the SQL Server services.


The account used for backups is a non administrator and the SubInACL application was used to allow modification of the Passwordstate folder and subfolders in accordance with the instructions found in the Security Administrators Manual.  The account also was added to Local Security Policies' Log on as a batch job also as detailed in the manual.

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Do you see it saying "Backing Up Database" when performing a manual backup?


Could you possibly follow this forum post to provide some informaiton about your Passwordstate web server, and send the resulting output to suppotr@clickstudios.com.au?







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Oddly enough it is working now - both the zip and bak files are present.  Over the weekend the scheduled backups ran correctly and a test backup just now resulted in both files being created in the backup folder.  I'll keep an eye on it to ensure both files are being consistently created.  Thanks for your assistance!

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