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Link Account to Multiple Web Site URLs - plugin not detecting sites


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Hi, I've started trying to use the "Link Account to Multiple Web Site URLs" function, but the browser plugin doesn't seem to be detecting the linked sites in either Firefox or Chrome for me. Here are the linked sites for this password entry, including the site I'm testing with for this post (https://prtg.f12.net):


But when I browse to the site in either FF or Chrome, the plugin doesn't show any matching sites:




I've tried this with several different sites and none of them are being detected by the plugin.


Plugin build 8935, PasswordState v8.9 build 8933.


Is there another step that I'm missing?





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Hi Greg,


I've just tested this with a couple or random sites, where Amazon.com was saved as my base URL, and https://prtg.f12.net/ was saved as the additional URL as you have.  I then logged out of my browser extension and reconfigured it by logging into Passwordstate again, browse to https://prtg.f12.net/ and it auto filled with the correct credentials.


Do you happen to have any of the URLs in question set up as an Ignored URL?  If so, can you remove it and let me know if that fixes the issue?






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Hi, I figured it out!

The issue was that although I had multiple 'linked' addresses attached to the password entry, I didn't actually have any URL in the main password entry (since it's just my Active Directory creds, there isn't actually a 'main' URL associated with them). I've added a dummy URL on the main password page, and now all the linked URLs are working.

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