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Estimated time for install and configuration.

Guest Quicktech

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Guest Quicktech



I am looking to quote and deploy Password State 8 for our clients and am interested in estimated time for installation and configuration

Most of our clients are 50-100 users and am interested in hearing what other SysAdmins have quoted or taken to configure and install the application?


I am only looking for installation and configuration time for the product itself, the Windows server and SQL install as well as IIS hardening, certificate install etc. I am not looking for.

I understand this may be a range as well; because of technicians capabilities, branding etc. so an average is fine.

In addition does clickstudios offer best practice training and education for new clients like ours, either paid or self-initiated / scheduled?


Thank you, I am really looking forward to having this as an offering; I feel like the clickstudios product really checks all the boxes and is priced very competitively.



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Hi Quicktech,


I don't want to hijack this post but I did want to point out that we do have an unattended installer which you can see the full process here:  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/1962-passwordstate-unattended-install/


Basically this is a Powershell script to installs Passwordstate from scratch on to a vanilla Windows machine.  ie it does IIS, SQL (if you want it), the certificates, bindings etc and of course Passwordstate.  This process takes about 2 minutes without installing SQL, and 6 - 8 minutes with SQL.


This does only answer part of your question though, so it would be great if other Passwordstate users could give their opinion too.


Thanks for the post:)



Click Studios.

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On 2017-09-21 at 12:51 AM, support said:

Hi Quicktech,


I don't want to hijack this post but I did want to point out that we do have an unattended installer which you can see the full process here:  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/1962-passwordstate-unattended-install/


Basically this is a Powershell script to installs Passwordstate from scratch on to a vanilla Windows machine.  ie it does IIS, SQL (if you want it), the certificates, bindings etc and of course Passwordstate.  This process takes about 2 minutes without installing SQL, and 6 - 8 minutes with SQL.


This does only answer part of your question though, so it would be great if other Passwordstate users could give their opinion too.


Thanks for the post:)



Click Studios.

Isn't that script only compliant with version 7.x?


i tried that script again today and with a fully updated Windows Server 2016 and the current version of .NET is 4.6 (4.6.01586)  and it complains that version 4.5 is not installed when running it.

I edited the script values that matches the registry but it didnt work out so i commented some lines out just to continue.


Is there a Unattened installation for version 8.x on the way ? =)

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The install (as opposed to configuration) should be about 3-5 hours, depending on how you build your environment - VM template, deployment from media, task sequence etc. Roughly:

  • Up to 1h build the host server including roles/features, firewall rules, base patching
  • 1h SQL install and configuration including backups/maintenance plans etc
  • 1h product install including service accounts, domain management accounts, product install
  • 1h for SSL certs, DNS configurations (for the sake of example - secure.customer.com rather than servername.internal.tld), firewalls and reverse proxies
  • Up to 1h for stuff to go wrong, or change planning, or teaching/mentoring - basically some "contingency"

After that, configuration will be specific to the environment. I usually plan to do some branding - logo, colours etc - that's about an hour tops. Some simple password lists, a few security groups etc, and adding a few passwords (because every customer has some) is another hour or so. Get the client tools set up for deployment, import the current spreadsheet and configure backups and discovery - 2h?


So if you push hard it'll be a day or less. If you're chilled and get interrupted, maybe a little longer - but I've only done 4 or 5 and it's pretty much down.

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Hello HA4g3n,


For the benefit of others, in our unattended install we are querying a registry location called  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full, which contains a key called Version.  If the value of this key is less than 4.5, then we are throwing the error you are seeing about not having the correct version.  It's very possible that the logic in our script is wrong, or maybe we haven't allowed for that registry key not being present.


Could you look for this registry key on your the system you are trying to run Passwordstate ion, and let me know the exact value?  I Suspect it is 4.6.01586?


Could you then try running this Powershell script and let me know what the output is?  I'm hoping it's 4.6:


$NET45Value = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'version').Substring(0,3)
[decimal]$DecNum = [convert]::ToDecimal($NET45Value)
Write-Host "$DecNum"


Also, just to let you know that we have just uploaded the latest source files for version 8 to https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/passwordstate_unattended_files.zip 


Thanks also to DavidRa for your input, it's much appreciated:)



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4 hours ago, support said:

Could you then try running this Powershell script and let me know what the output is?  I'm hoping it's 4.6:


PS C:\Windows\system32> $NET45Value = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full'
 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'version').Substring(0,3)
PS C:\Windows\system32> [decimal]$DecNum = [convert]::ToDecimal($NET45Value)
PS C:\Windows\system32> Write-Host "$DecNum"
PS C:\Windows\system32>


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