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Everything posted by support

  1. Hi All, We've release build 9627 with this new feature, so please upgrade and let us know if you have any issues. Regards Click Studios
  2. Hello Maurice, Can you please try upgrading to build 9627, to see if this helps at all - we've changed how we track Brute Force logins in this build. Regards Click Studios
  3. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9627. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  4. Issue: You have the AppServer installed and you have been connecting to it with your mobile phone App from the iOS or Google Play store. You now see an error as follows "Connection failed, app server SSL certificate is invalid" Fix: This is caused by changing out the SSL certificate in IIS for your AppServer, and you will need to then refresh your Passwordstate settings to pick up this certificate change. To do this, try re-querying your SSL public key under Administration -> Mobile Access Options -> Mobile App URL and Security and then try re-pairing your device. If you still have any issues, please log a support ticket with Click Studios Support. Regards, Support
  5. Hi Peter, You can go to your preferences screen, and generate the QR Code for Google Authenticator (Authentication Options tab), and then scan the QR Code into an appropriate App on your phone. Then you should be able to access your Private List, and turn this setting off if you want to. We hope this helps. Regards Click Studios
  6. If you are using Build 9611, go to the screen Administration -> Auditing, and you can report on who made that change. Regards Click Studios
  7. Hello Maria, Yes this is possible, and many customers do it. For AD authentication, you need to ensure require ports are open - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Passwordstate_Open_Port_Requirements.pdf Regards Click Studios
  8. Hello Ante, This setting is enabled by default, so can you please go to the screen Administration -> Feature Access -> Password Reset Options tab, and see if you're access has been removed from here? Regards Click Studios
  9. Hello JeromeM, We do not have an option for that, as it could generate many emails. You could create a scheduled report for this though, based of the "Login Attempt Succeeded" auditing data. Regards Click Studios
  10. Hello Kelvin, Could you please take a look at the following forum post for this - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/15064-unable-to-import-keepass-xml-from-keepass-v249-into-passwordstate-9519/ It might be a data issue in your exported XML file, and we provide a sample file in the forum post for customers to test. Regards Click Studios
  11. Hi Daniel, Can you please log a support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx and provide a copy of your web.config file from the App Server - so we can check the settings? Regards Click Studios
  12. Hello Daniel, For this web site in IIS, if you view the 'Default Document', does it report any files like in my screenshot below? The file index.html needs to be listed, which is default in IIS.
  13. Hi Daniel, If you are hosting the AppServer on the same server where you install Passwordstate, the it can have the same URL but must be a different port. You then should ensure you append the port to the URL for the AppServer under Administration -> System Settings -> Mobile Access Options, and example of this is https://passwordstate.contoso.com:3030 If you are hosting the AppServer on a separate server al together, it must have a separate URL. Hope this helps, Support.
  14. Thanks Paul, and we've corrected this for the next release, which is due in a week or two. Regards Click Studios
  15. Request to add in the ability to record browser based https sessions, for example websites like logins into firewall consoles.
  16. Hi Guys, We now have a feature for this, which you can follow from this blog post - https://blog.clickstudios.com.au/example-mapping-field-ids/ Regards Click Studios
  17. Hi Guys, We now have a feature for this, which you can follow from this blog post - https://blog.clickstudios.com.au/example-mapping-field-ids/ Regards Click Studios
  18. Okay - thanks for letting us know. Regards Click Studios
  19. Hi Vincent, Can you please log your support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx so we can gather some basic information about your environment. Can you also explain when this error occurs, as it looks like a SQL Server timeout issue, a not something to do with our Gateway. Can you also provide: A text version from the error console, so we can cut and paste it into a tool we have And follow this article so we can capture some basic information from your web server - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2518-passwordstate-support-information-script/ Regards Click Studios
  20. We've finished the code for the next release, which will be 1 to 2 weeks away. Regards Click Studios
  21. Okay thanks Tim - we thought the article would help in some way, as it showed mutlipart/form-data was required, as per your original question.
  22. Yes, we certainly understand. Our software is built on a Microsoft platform, which is why we decided to provide the PowerShell examples. We've done a quick Google - does this help you at all - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12667797/using-curl-to-upload-post-data-with-files Regards Click Studios
  23. Hi Tim, Sorry, but we do not have any experience with curl. Hopefully someone else on the forums will be able to assist you. Regards Click Studios
  24. Hi Tim, You can find the documentation under the Help menu in Passwordstate. Regards Click Studios
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