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Everything posted by support

  1. Hello, Can you please log this support call via the following page, as we might need to request some information which should not be shared on a puplic forum - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx Regards Click Studios
  2. H Alex, I was referring to selecting Password Lists under the 'Passwords' tab. Regards Click Studios
  3. Hi Alex, Thanks, and I think we found the bug for this. We believe what's happening here is that in the Passwords Navigation Tree, you have a Password List highlighted (selected). You then right-click on another Password List, and select 'Edit Properties'. We can replicate this under this condition. If you first clicked on the other Password List, and then selected 'Edit Properties', then the bug does not exist. Can you confirm, and we'll work on fixing this in the next release. Regards Click Studios
  4. Hi Tim and Dallin, Thanks for your votes - we appreciate it. As per the voting rules (https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2340-voting-for-features-please-help/), please only add one vote per organization, so it does not skew the results. Thanks Click Studios
  5. support

    Red X

    Hello Rene, The following training video should help with your query - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAHZVS6l2sA Regards Click Studios
  6. Hi Scott, We're glad it's all working now. But just to confirm, for yourelf and other customers, we do not touch any settings in User Account Policies during upgrades. Regards Click Studios
  7. Hi AndersB, Unfortunately not sorry, Load on Demand doesn't work with Toggle Visibility at this stage. We've just double checked this and this was an error to recommend this as a work around. What about instead you use the Request Access to Passwords Feature from the Passwords Menu. This feature will allow you to search for Passwords Lists, or Folders instead of trying to display 10000 nodes in the navigation tree. Regards, Support.
  8. Currently passwordstate is connected to an Active Directory domain and gets users and groups. We would like to dismiss our on-premise domain in favour of Google Secure LDAP. Did passwordstate support it as it requires the usage of a certificate for the connection?
  9. Hello Rankinc, No, you cannot lookup UserID's via the API. This can be done in the UI though, and in our experience, most organizations have a standard for their naming conventions, so lookups are generally not required - but fully understand if you do not operate this way. Regards Click Studios
  10. Hello AndersB, Please have a look at suggestions in the following forum post for this - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/690-performance-improvement-suggestions/ We also recommend reducing the number of Password Lists/Folders if at all possible, as there are performance limitations with the speed at which all the HTML can be downloaded from the web server. Hopefully the Load On Demand feature in that forum post above will help though. Regards Click Studios
  11. Hello Rankinc, In version 9 you can certainly manage permissions on Folders and Password Lists, but this is using either the UserID, or SecurityGroupID or SecurityGroupName. We do not have any plans to support managing permissions for the Username field for user accounts. Regards Click Studios
  12. Hello AndresB, From the main Passwords menu in Passwordstate, you can use the 'Toggle All Password List Visibility' menu for this purpose. Regards Click Studios
  13. Thanks Scott. I think this happening because you are using the 'Load On Demand' feature. Can you please disable that in your User Account Policy, and see if that helps? Whenever you refresh the Navigation Tree, this feature will collapse the nodes again, so they are only expanded when you click on them i.e. Load On Demand. Regards Click Studios
  14. Scenario: If you need to create a Self-Signed Certificate to use for testing purposes, or maybe to replace an expired one on your Passwordstate website, then please follow this process below. Please remember, it's not advised to use Self Signed Certificates as the end user experience will be impacted by the Browsers consistent warnings. If possible, and certificate issued from your internal Certificate Authority or a purchased certificated from an online trusted authority will provide a much better experience foe your users. Process: Step 1: First you will need to identify the HTTPS binding you have for Passwordstate on your server. Open IIS and check the binding as per below screenshot. If you do not already have a HTTPS binding, or would like to create a new one with a new name, you can select the Add button on this screen Step 2: Open Powershell ISE "as Administrator and paste in the code below. Ensure you change the [Example.com] text in the first line to match the Host Name you identified in the step above. Run the script and this will create a certificate on your server with a 5 year expiry date: $HostName = "[Example.com]" ######################################################################################################### # Perform a check to ensure Powershell is running as Administrator ######################################################################################################### If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell $wshell.Popup("This script requires your Powershell session to be elevated.`n`nPlease run again in a new shell that is run as Administrator", 0, "Warning", 0x0) Break } # Import Module Import-Module WebAdministration # Create SSL Certificate $StartDate = '01/01/' + (Get-Date).Year $EndDate = '01/01/' + (Get-Date).AddYears(5).Year $newCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $HostName -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -FriendlyName $HostName -NotBefore $StartDate -NotAfter $EndDate $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell $wshell.Popup("The new Self Signed certificate has now been created with expiry date of $EndDate.`n`nPlease assign the new certificate to the $HostName binding in IIS for Passwordstate website.", 0, "Success", 0x0) Break Step 3: Assign the new certificate to the binding as per below screenshot: Step 4: If you haven't already, you should create a CNAME record in DNS that matches the Host Name you identified above, and this CNAME record should direct traffic to your Passwordstate server. This should complete the process. Regards, Support.
  15. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9360. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  16. Hi Scott, Thanks for the screenshots, and we've just tested this and cannot reproduce it. Can you please also provide a screenshot of your Preferences screen - the Passwords tab? Regards Click Studios
  17. Hello Scott, We do not see this bahaviour ourselves, and are not getting any other reports of this. Can you please get some other users to do some testing also, so we can try and narrow it down to just your account? Thanks Click Studios
  18. Hello Esa, No, AD integration is not required. You can instead use our Forms Based Authentication option during the initial setup.
  19. Hi Jallen, Just letting you know we received your two emails from different email addresses overnight, and we've responded to both of them. Regards Click Studios
  20. Hi Jallen, Could you look in the error console in your browser, to see what JavaScript errors are being reported for us then? Also, can you let us know what OS, and default Email Client you are using? We're also working on a Web Form that can be used to submit support tickets, if your default Email Client is not working properly, or configured. This should be ready soon. Regards Click Studios
  21. Hello Jallen, On our support page, it mentions you need a default email client configured on your desktop to use this Generate Support Ticket button. Do you have a email client like Outlook you can set as the default on your computer? What this button does is allow you to send us an email, with some pre-filled in information in the email. We've checked our support inbox, and we have had no emails from your company (looking for your company email domain here), since 6th of August 2021. Are you using your company email here? If so, can you check with your email admins if they can see any issues at your end? Maybe also try sending from a different email address like gmail if possible, or you could just put your request in this forum post if the information you need to share is not sensitive. Regards Click Studios
  22. Thanks tburke. Can you please log this feature request here on our forums, under the Feature Request section? Thanks very much. Regards Click Studios
  23. Hi tburke, Yes, as of build 9300, there is no option in the UI to do In-Place Upgrades. You need to use the Windows Installer for this. And that's correct, we no longer provide an unattended install option for our software, as we need to use the Windows Installer now - we no longre provide zip files with all the files, for security reasons. Regards Click Studios
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