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  1. By default, a newly created folder clone will go into the root of home. This request will give the user an option to choose an existing folder to place the cloned folder into.
  2. When a user is locked out of the system due to to many incorrect password attempts, they are blocked via their IP. A Security Administrator needs to unblock them manually. Request is for a timer to automatically unblock the users.
  3. Hello Ian, If you're referring to this module https://www.clickstudios.com.au/resetportal/default.aspx, then it only requires the number of licenses for the number of users who will be using the portal. Users are imported based on the Security Groups you add into the system on the screen Administration -> Password Reset Portal Administration -> Security Groups. I hope this clarifies. Regards Click Studios
  4. Hello all- just letting you know we've released build 9400 today, with this feature enabled. You need to go to the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Passwords Options tab, and enable the feature though. Regards Click Studios
  5. Hello Robk - just letting you know we've released build 9400 today, with this feature enabled. You need to go to the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Passwords Options tab, and enable the feature though. Regards Click Studios
  6. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9400. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  7. Hello, Unfortunately this is not currently possible, but we will move this post to Feature Requests, so we can investigate if it's possible, if we get some votes for the request. Regards Click Studios
  8. Thanks Alex, we'll see if we can replicate this scenario, and provide a fix if we can. Regards Click Studios
  9. Hello, We can confirm those SQL features are not required for our software. Regards Click Studios
  10. Hi Mike, Can you tell us if you use Load Balancers at all, or proxies or reverse proxies? We're not getting any other reports of this, so we assume it's environmental in some way. In the console window in your Browser, do you see any JavaScript errors - it sounds like a JavaScript error might be causing the non-responsiveness. Regards Click Studios
  11. Hello Akex, The only account similiar to this is our Emergency Access login, and you can find the password for this in the Administration area. There are certain restricted features for this as well, but we can assist unlocking them if required, on the screen Administration -> Feature Access -> Restricted Features. Regards Click Studios
  12. Hello Emad, Please screenshot below. Also, if you opened the User Manual from within the Help Menu, and searched Recycle, you would also find the information you need. Regards Click Studios
  13. We've also added a little more detail to the social media posts today - https://www.reddit.com/r/passwordstate/comments/rf7d62/log4j_zeroday_log4shell_vulnerability/ Regards Click Studios
  14. Hello FeSa, As this is not applicable to our software, there is no need for any official communications from us. Please simply refer to our social media channels instead. If it was applicable, we would contact all customers directly as a priority, and add communications to our web site as well. Regards Click Studios
  15. Hello Emad, All critical fields are already encrypted in the database. If you want to encrypt all data, you will need to use the encryption method provided by SQL Server - but we believe this requires SQL Server Enterprise to do this. Regards Click Studios
  16. Sorry, yes It meant to say "does not change permissions". When you select the option to Disable Inheritance, there is the change the permissions can be different - as you've changed them on the Password List itself. So to correct this now, on the Main Folder, change User 2 to have Modify permissions, and then change back to Admin permissions. This will propagate those changes down to the Password List. Regards Click Studios
  17. Hello, We can confirm that turning off the 'Disable Inherittance' setting on a Password List, does not change permissions on the Password List at all. You then need to modify permissions on upper-level folders, if you want to modify permissions on the Lists nested beneath it. We hope this claeifies. Regards Click Studios
  18. Hello BuckSwish. If you edit the properties of the Password List, the setting you see below should help with this. Regards Click Studios
  19. Hello SZU, We'd need to be able to reproduce this as an issue, and at this stage we cannot. 0 means False in SQL Server for boolean fields, and 1 would be True. Are you sure these affected Password Lists are beneath a folder that's using the Advanced Permissions Model? Regards Click Studios
  20. We’re currently using an external layer with application proxy with external authentication. Currently our reporting is broken since the Passwordstate server is accessing the reporting API using the base url specified which points to our application proxy (which cannot be authenticated). Is there any possibility to specify a dedicated url for reporting?
  21. Hello SZU, It is by design that you can change this setting on a Password List, even if it is linked to a Template. Some customers have requirements for both options within a folder structure, which is why we provide this as an option. And only Administrator's of Password Lists can change this setting. Regards Click Studios
  22. Hello Flash, Unfortunately there is no option for the later anymore. We had many requests to open the session in a new tab. Regards Click Studios
  23. Hello Szu, Just letting you know we release build 9381 today, with the fix mentioned above. Thanks for reporting it, and please refer to the following upgrade instructions - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf Regards Click Studios
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